United Soldiers and Sailors of America - USASOA is a 501c3 military and veteran service founded in 2013, staffed with veterans and family members of veterans. At USASOA the mission comes first. That mission is to provide the essentials of life to ill, injured, and wounded veterans and service members through charitable contributions and programs; to protect the interests of veteran-owned businesses, their healthcare, families, and caregivers; and promote their voices through our advocacy and policy work on Capitol Hill. Through the generous support of caring and grateful, everyday Americans, businesses and corporations, our unique programs, services, and events have a direct and meaningful impact on the quality of their lives. Visit our website www.USASOA.org to learn more about our successful programs and services: Wounded Defenders of Freedom Fund, Operation Reboot, Boots On The Ground, BBQ For Our Heroes, Cents For Soldiers, USASOA Policy and Advocacy Program, Veteran Homelessness Campaign, USASOA Ambassador's League - Military Hospital Visits, and Green Jobs For Vets.We are always searching for volunteers to join our mission in having a direct and meaningful impact on the quality of life for our military and veteran communities. USASOA strives to remain relevant to the changing needs of our veteran community and as such we will alter and create programs to address those needs as they arise.