The #1 leading community-based nonprofit set on preventing obesity and obesity-related sufferings in underserved neighborhoods. Our focus is on childhood and adolescent obesity prevention since research indicates, its best to reach the target groups as early as posible, in order to realize gainful outcomes both in the short and long terms.The obesity epidemic, especially, for low income communities needs urgent and multi-faceted interventions for a host of reasons, such as, health and economic disparities of present and possibly, future generations of American kids; the enormous health and social costs of obesity-related low self esteem, depression, type-2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, asthma, including breast and prostate cancers, to mention a few. Won't you join us today, in changing the lives of our kids and their families for the better? Your generous donations and support is highly appreciated. For more information, please see: https://www.americanobesityfdn.orgSLOGAN: "Let's Make Healthy, Our New Happy."