Mechatronics is a multidisciplinary subject which can be defined as the integration of Mechanical engineering, electronics and intelligent computer control in design and manufacture of products and processes.In the year 2013 and 2014 mechatronics workshops were conducted by external professionals in collaboration with esteemed colleges like IIT and IISc. It was time to develop a skill and technical knowledge of our students by creating a mechatronics club in our college. It also develops the Marian Research and Development centre by developing inter disciplinary projects which would be beneficial to society.In the year 2015 some of the Mechanical and EC students of S7& S5 took initiative to form a mechatronics club. Where students can share ideas discuss new topics and learn about the recent developments and develop projects useful for the society. On behalf of that some classes were conducted by students themselves under the leadership of staff coordinators with the guidance of principal and other staff members in basics of c programming, development boards and various sensors.In the year 2016 a small group of students attend workshops conducted an Arduino development board and various sensors.The aim of this club is to give training on programming languages, microcontrollers in a wide spectrum basis which is beneficial to above mention branches. Along with this, the club will arrange workshops to give hands-on experience to the upcoming interested students during semester break.