Ariasun's key business segments include Enterprise IT, Tourism and Commerce that is a Tehran-based company, member of a leading German technology group Hidicom GmbH. Ariasun is recognized for high effectiveness of production processes, excellence of customer relationships and communications as well as high flexibility in resources allocation.Ariasun's software services span the whole cycle of software product development beginning from requirements gathering, their analysis, prototyping, design, development, implementation and ending with feature enhancement, integration, re-engineering, testing and support.Over a decade of experience in the scope of tourism, Ariasun has become a well-known related service provider and has maintained a reputation of reliable brand among large number of satisfied clients consisting airlines, hotels and travel agencies of Iran by its sincere activities. This made us even more eager to extend our boundaries to overseas. Taking part in domestic and international events is marked as significant opportunities for us to show our different abilities in scientific and technical aspects that we deliver to mankind.