Assistant Manager Technical R&D at PT. Keramika Indonesia Assosiasi Tbk. - , West Java, Indonesia
PT Keramika Indonesia Assosiasi, Tbk. ("Company") wasestablished in accordance with Foreign Investment Law No.1The year 1967 based on the Notary Act Juliaan Nimrod SGMN, S.H.,Notary in Jakarta dated 28 November 1968. The Companystatus as Foreign Investment has been changed to DomesticInvestment based on Decision Letter from the Chairman ofInvestment Coordinating Board No. 25/V/1992 dated 15 June1992.The Company is the major producer of high-quality ceramicwall tiles including its accessories since 1968. Currently with 709high performance and well-trained staffs, with the brand of KIAand IMPRESSO, the Company possesses market recognition ofhigh-quality products both in Indonesia and abroad coveringAsia, Europe, and the United States of America.