Agustin Etchegoyhen

International Sales Executive at AF (Agroempresa Forestal) - Montevideo, Montevideo Department, Uruguay

Agustin Etchegoyhen's Contact Details
AF (Agroempresa Forestal)
Agustin Etchegoyhen's Company Details

AF (Agroempresa Forestal)

Montevideo, Montevideo Department, Uruguay • 30 Employees
Investment Management

We manage forestry and agriculture funds to create a positive impact. We work "with our boots on the ground" offering integral solutions to our clients in Uruguay, Brazil and Chile, attending to the safety and well-being of our employees, responsible care for the environment, legal requirements and ethics as key values.---Gestionamos fondos forestales y agrícolas para crear un impacto positivo. Trabajamos "con los pies en la tierra" ofreciendo soluciones integrales a nuestros clientes en Uruguay, Brasil y Chile, atendiendo la seguridad y el bienestar de nuestro personal, el cuidado responsable del medio ambiente, los requisitos legales y la ética como valores fundamentales.

Details about AF (Agroempresa Forestal)
Frequently Asked Questions about Agustin Etchegoyhen
Agustin Etchegoyhen currently works for AF (Agroempresa Forestal).
Agustin Etchegoyhen's role at AF (Agroempresa Forestal) is International Sales Executive.
Agustin Etchegoyhen's email address is *** To view Agustin Etchegoyhen's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Agustin Etchegoyhen works in the Investment Management industry.
Agustin Etchegoyhen's colleagues at AF (Agroempresa Forestal) are Francisco Bonino, Veronica Ayzaguer, Camila Reggiardo, Lucia Fajardo, Pablo Arguinarena, Silvana Tome, Federico Frioni and others.
Agustin Etchegoyhen's phone number is
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