It is our mission to re-connect one with their Divine potential and help them re-member their Soul purpose while activating expansion on all levels; physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. It is our greatest honor and joy to assist and guide them on the journey of re-discovering their Authentic Self during the process of alignment. The healer acts as an open portal for these high-frequency energies, allowing a restorative and healing opportunity for the client's growth and expansion.OneHealingPresence Ascension Ministry lovingly offers:- remote and in person guided quantum healing sessions -trauma, depression, clearing of the energy blockages, diagnostic and removal of the blockages within all the seven seals( chakras)--cause and effecthealing/balancing of the imbalances of the 4 lower bodies--cause and effectreleasing unwanted energetic attachments from the energy bodyhealing past traumas, depression, pain, habitual patterns etc.soul retrieval, recovery of soul fragmentationhealing the inner child personalityAkashic records readingaccessing one's past lives wisdom for the healing of the presentvisions and messages for moving forward with one's Soul Missiontools and intuitive guidance for one's self- ascension.Healing group meditation circles with channeled guidance of One Healing Presence, personal coaching, channeled messages from Spirit, energy therapy classes with certification. More info: