Count on stability and bank on better business 💸As the evolution of commerce lifted the international borders of trade for small businesses, certainty in currency exchange rates has become essential for savvy global business owners. Yet, traditional banking solutions are highly lacking.Grain changes this equation ⚔️Our solution allows SMEs to efficiently protect their business from cross-currency volatility. We do this by:🛡️ Allowing users to transfer funds in the future, with today's exchange rates🛡️ Removing the need to deal with banks and brokers which is a highly siloed process creating substantial operational friction🛡️ Locking rates for specific user events such as paying future invoices🛡️ Insuring from volatility such as currency depreciation🛡️ Providing exposure dashboard analysisGrain protects your interest, at any rate#FX #CurrencyHedging #FinTech