We are a group of architects, designers, builders, and thinkers, whose purpose is to design and deliver projects that are tailored for people, communities, cities, and their needs.MASAR Engineering Consulting offers a wide range of architectural services, varying from residential projects, commercial and administrative buildings, to landscape projects, and corporate identity design. AT MASAR all of our services are client-focused, and all of our designs reflect both our clients' vision and identity.We are based in Cairo and operate in numerous other locations around the world including, KSA, UAE, and Kuwait.Vision : One of the biggest challenges of architecture is figuring out what people want and need. Part of our approach is to determine all the ways in which a building is going to affect people's lives, and because we see architecture as one big collaboration, we believe that anyone whose life is affected by a building should have a say in the making of it. Mission : At MASAR we see good design as impactful, transformational, and collaborative. Architectural firms work on a wide range of projects, and our mission is to create and advocate for architecture that promotes enhancing the quality of life, fosters productivity, and is functional and purposeful.