PT. EMIRA ENERGI has grown to be the leader supplier of heat treatment equipment and service, offering electrical and gas or oil fired heat treatment system. Our services include local PWHT (for pressure vessel, storage tank and pipe), pre heating local, electrical resistance heating, internal firing by gas, internal firing by oil, furnace (electrical, oil firing, gas firing) PT EMIRA ENERGI is a leader in the non-destructive testing (NDT) industry by providing a wide array of conventional and state of the art analysis techniques to evaluate materials and systems. Our technical and engineering teams contain qualified inspectors to perform Magnetic Particle Testing (MT), Ultrasonic Testing (UT), Radiographic Testing (RT), Liquid Penetrant Testing, (PT) Visual Testing (VT), Phased Array Inspection and Specialized Material Analysis that conforms to nationally recognized codes or can be tailored to our client's specific needs - See more at: