Ahmed Aldamarany

Accountant at Al-Taif National Dairy Factory - Taif, Makkah Province, Saudi Arabia

Ahmed Aldamarany's Contact Details
+966 55 561 3557
Saudi Arabia
Al-Taif National Dairy Factory
Ahmed Aldamarany's Company Details
Al-Taif National Dairy Factory logo, Al-Taif National Dairy Factory contact details

Al-Taif National Dairy Factory

Taif, Makkah Province, Saudi Arabia • 18 Employees

Al-Taif National Dairy Factory is one of the oldest dairy factories in the Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia. Production started in 1982. Due to its geographical location, the city of Taif was chosen to be the head quarter for the factory. During a history of more than thirty years, Taif National Dairy Factory has achieved excellence in production and increased its production to meet the ongoing demands of consumers around the kingdom. And to achieve its goals, the factory enhanced the development of its production and the different categories as well as the distribution media.The factory is always following the newest technology in the dairy and dairy derivatives production field and is updating its machinery, material and production accordingly. The factory has excelled in producing makheedh, labaneh, labaneh with olive oil, and cream with honey.There are state of the art quality laboratories that always monitor the different stages of production and assure the quality of the various products. Our products are distributed to the Saudi Market using our caravan of trucks that covers the main parts of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Details about Al-Taif National Dairy Factory
Frequently Asked Questions about Ahmed Aldamarany
Ahmed Aldamarany currently works for Al-Taif National Dairy Factory.
Ahmed Aldamarany's role at Al-Taif National Dairy Factory is Accountant.
Ahmed Aldamarany's email address is ***@taifdairy.com. To view Ahmed Aldamarany's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Ahmed Aldamarany works in the Dairy industry.
Ahmed Aldamarany's colleagues at Al-Taif National Dairy Factory are Mohamad Ansari, Motaz Abdallah, Anil Chaudhary, Anjum Mueez, Kamal Basha and others.
Ahmed Aldamarany's phone number is +966 55 561 3557
See more information about Ahmed Aldamarany