Ahmed Rizan

Selsman at Textainer - San Francisco, California, US

Ahmed Rizan's Contact Details
(441) 296-2500
Ahmed Rizan's Company Details
Textainer logo, Textainer contact details


San Francisco, California, US • 197 Employees

Operating since 1979, Textainer is one of the world’s largest intermodal container lessors with more than 4 million (TEU) in our owned and managed fleet. We supply standard dry freight, specialized, and refrigerated containers to approximately 200 global customers, including all of the world’s leading shipping lines. We lease tank containers through our relationship with Trifleet Leasing. Additionally, Textainer continues to proudly serve as a long-standing supplier to the U.S. Military. Our company also leads the resale industry, having secured our status as one of the largest sellers of used containers. We sold an average of approximately 130,000 containers per year for the last five years to more than 1,000 customers. The Textainer team operates through a network of 14 offices and 400 depots covering all time zones. We have employees in major trading centers all over the world, dedicated to providing our customers with the highest standard of equipment and service. Four regional offices form the backbone of Textainer leasing, resale, and operations activities, serving locations across the globe: Cranford: North, Central and South America London: Europe, the Mediterranean, the Middle East, India, and Africa Yokohama: Japan, Korea, and Taiwan. Singapore: Southeast Asia, China, and Australia.

Textainer Textainer Group Holdings @Textainer.Com Email Hilliard Terry Tgh Ir
Details about Textainer
Frequently Asked Questions about Ahmed Rizan
Ahmed Rizan currently works for Textainer.
Ahmed Rizan's role at Textainer is Selsman.
Ahmed Rizan's email address is ***@textainer.com. To view Ahmed Rizan's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Ahmed Rizan works in the Transportation industry.
Ahmed Rizan's colleagues at Textainer are Olivier Ghesquiere, Stacy Myers, Giancarlo Gennaro, Brewer Philip, Dan Cohen, John Simmons, Robert Pedersen and others.
Ahmed Rizan's phone number is (441) 296-2500
See more information about Ahmed Rizan