With the expertise and experience accumulated regarding local and international construction standards in projects undertaken domestically since 1987, Emas İnşaat Elektrik Ticaret A.Ş. has the capacity and skills to deliver services in the following fields anywhere in Turkey:1 Construction & Contracting1.1 Housing Construction1.2 Education Facilities Construction1.3 Industry Plant Construction1.4 Network Construction1.5 Substation and Switch Plant Construction2 Architectural Design, Engineering and Technology2.1 Architectural and Engineering Projects2.2 Interior Design and Decoration Projects2.3 Renovation Projects3 Electric and Energy 3.1 Electrical Installation of Education Facilities 3.2 Medium Valtage Line and Substations of Shopping Malls3.3 LV-MV City Networks3.4 Ligthing Plants3.5 Power Line (34,5 Kv,154 Kv)3.6 Substation Lowering and Distribution Centres(154 Kv/34,5 Kv)3.7 Substation Centres and Assembling (380 Kv/154 Kv/34,5 Kv)3.8 Project Planning and Implementation of Cogent Energy and Power Line Plant3.9 Project Studies of Renewable Energy 4 Real Estate Development and Investment4.1 Investment Plans4.2 Land Development and Planning 4.3 Market Research and Feasibility Studies4.4 Architectural and Engineering Designs, Interior Designs Projects4.5 Construction, Coordination and Management4.6 Real Estate Sale and Hire Services