Ahmed Souary

Financial Controller at Sepor S.p.A - , Liguria, Italy

Ahmed Souary's Contact Details
Sepor S.p.A
Ahmed Souary's Company Details
Sepor S.p.A logo, Sepor S.p.A contact details

Sepor S.p.A

, Liguria, Italy • 51 - 200 Employees
Oil & Energy

Sepor is Italy's leading provider of environmental and hazardous waste management services.Sepor offers the following services:- Port reception facility: we own and manage a 50.000 tons/year an oily-water treatment plant and a garbage sterilization plant located inside the Port of La Spezia. We run the service by a fleet composed of 25 barges (many of them in double hulls) and 3 tug boats;- Tank cleaning: we adopt a No Man Entry approach, by using automatic tankcleaning plants and a variety of robots;- Oil recovery from the sludge and mobile water treatment: we owns a variety of mobile plants to deploy in our clients'​ facilities as: decanters, tricanters, disk-stack centrifugues, lamellar separators;- Oil spill response: we provide a 24/7 oil response service, both terrestrial and maritime. We own 3 specialized vessels, in house engeenered, equipped with: skimmer, automatic apparatus for recovering floating debris and crane. Our oil spill response vessels are certified to recover and carrying products with a flash point inferior of 60°C;

Details about Sepor S.p.A
Frequently Asked Questions about Ahmed Souary
Ahmed Souary currently works for Sepor S.p.A.
Ahmed Souary's role at Sepor S.p.A is Financial Controller.
Ahmed Souary's email address is ***@sepor.it. To view Ahmed Souary's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Ahmed Souary works in the Oil & Energy industry.
Ahmed Souary's colleagues at Sepor S.p.A are Mattia Mori, Jacopo Mori, Giulio Peoni, Andrea Cadenasso, Emily Miller, Tim Miller, Chandler Nye and others.
Ahmed Souary's phone number is ["390187511535","390187511545","3901035830114"]
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