Team Migaloo stands for a sustainable, future-proof world. A world in which nature is clean and healthy and in which the oceans are plastic-free again. We believe that raising awareness for the importance of plastic waste reduction is a vital part of this. By participating in the TWAC team Migaloo contributes to making the world more sustainable. Of course, we can't do this by ourselves. Therefore we are working together with various sustainable partners and we are reaching out to the youth. As they are the future we believe involving them is essential to achieve our goals. Only when they are activated and engaged real change is possible. And of course, we are passionate about rowing and we look forward to taking on this huge challenge crossing the ocean in 2021 as fast as we can. By the Ocean we Unite is a Dutch foundation with charitable status that contributes to preventing more plastics from ending up in our oceans. Through the organization of a variety of activities – sailing expeditions, lectures, documentaries & more – they conduct research, create awareness, educate and activate people, organizations and governments to make much needed changes. We have decided to join them and help protect the oceans, animals and ourselves from plastic pollution.