We don't just represent Fordham. We are Fordham.The Fordham University community is teeming with artists who represent the pinnacle of artistry, integrity, and the DIY aesthetic. Musicians come to our campuses in droves and bring with them an undeniable and indelible mark of genius. They write, record, and perform the aural representations of their hearts and souls, all for the world to hear and judge — and all by themselves.That's where we come in.You may know them already, or you may not. It doesn't matter. Our goal is to make you remember them.Our roster of rising stars is simply the best that the Fordham student body has to offer. We just want you to know their names and to sing their songs.Ramses Records is by and for the Fordham community.*** Ramses Records is not directly affiliated with Fordham University as an institution. It is an independent, student-run organization that exists without any assistance, financial or otherwise, from Fordham University administration. ***