INVESTMENT AND CONSULTING IN REAL ESTATE BUSINESSJS Global Investment Group was incorporated in May 2005 and brings over 30 years of experience in evaluating, structuring, executing investment transaction and property management in the real estate sector. Our primary focus is consolidating investment opportunities for clients and providing financial advisory services in the real estate sector.The success of our clients and partners is the base of our growth. We pride ourselves with our personal investment and consulting services rendered to our clients through the world. We develop unique investment opportunities based on our clients' needs by analyzing the fundamentals and the specific financial information of each market situation.Our goal is to:Strategy:- Integrate research/fundamental analysis into the investment process.- Real Estate cycle analysis for strategic vision.- Market research at local level to support investment decisions.Structure:- Investments are structured to address the tax and regulatory requirements of our clients- We pursue investment concepts vs. transactions.Package:- We package your investment based on your specific needs.- Investment construction development and performance attribution.We work with our clients to create a customized investment strategy that meets your needs supported by tax and legal planning advice and experienced investment management. Our approach is strategic and incremental.