Vidyakansha had its beginnings as a response to the restricted access of education in rural areas of India during the Covid-19 lockdown. However, our efforts are not going to be limited to only turbulent circumstances. What we want is an educational platform that connects those who seek to learn with people who are willing to help these students in their quest for knowledge.Our longterm Vision: Vidyakansha would like to create a world class education platform, which would be accessible to all,free of cost, to enable a seamless knowledge transfer from from the brightest elite to the most deprived poor. To do so, it would harness the latest tools and technology for the benefit of the lowest rung in the society. Our Mission: We would like to become a technology platform enabling seamless connect between brightest elite to the most deprived poor in India leveraging a worldclass infrastructure of technology platforms by:1. Being best in class with high standards of quality education and pedagogy2. Motivating and inspiring the best brains to cultivate and rekindle the joy of learning in the poorest children in Rural India3. Constantly upgrading and improving through innovation and continuous feedback from all stakeholders including volunteers, students etc4. Committing to the highest standard in terms of ethics, integrity, social and rural development