Worker Trustee / Co-Executive Director (focus on growth and sustainability)'s mission is to educate all entrepreneurs to practice business in ways that regenerate people and planet. Founded in June 2015 by Matt Stinchcomb, formerly Etsy Inc's V.P. of Values & Impact, is based in Brooklyn, NY and works to support Etsy's mission to reimagine commerce in ways that build a more fulfilling and lasting world. At its core,, seeks to create a new approach to business – one that brings more human connection, accountability, and transparency to business, and to build diverse and inclusive economies. In partnership with leading entrepreneurs, teachers, and institutions in the local living economies movement, is developing a transformative approach to business education; one that places an emphasis on personal and spiritual growth and imparts a deeper understanding of the natural and social systems within which our world operates. Our approach offers the skills and connections that entrepreneurs need to do business in ways that know and honor the interconnectedness of the people and places they touch.