CAD & VISUALISATION ENGINEER at CADCENTER- IEE Pvt. Ltd. - Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India
Associated with world's leading CAD and Multimedia Software companies like Autodesk, PTC, Autodesk Media and Entertainment, ANSYS, Certiport etc., as their Authorized / Legal Training Center, CADCENTER provides dedicated and quality service to its students with internationally acclaimed curriculum and certification.In the starting year itself, Autodesk Inc. recognized, CADCENTER for Excellence in the Area of Instruction and the award was presented to Dr. M.R. Sreedharan Nair in the 1993 Annual ATC Managers Meeting held at Anaheim, Los Angeles, USA. CADCENTER, Cochin has been elevated to the status of an Advanced Training Center for Mechanical Products in 1999. Now the institute is an advanced training center of Autodesk for its Mechanical, Civil, GIS/Infrastructure and Multimedia products. During these years CADCENTER bagged various international awards from Autodesk in seven different instants till 2016-2017.Apart from Autodesk products the Institute gives professional training in various other major products in the field of analysis and design. The company is now affiliated with many other well recognized companies like PTC University, Certiport, ANSYS, etc. as their Authorized Training Centers. The Institute maintains high academic standards and an environment that is highly suitable for learning. It runs just like a university research and training center and provides large number of reference books, CD ROMs of Encyclopedias, journals, latest computers and licensed software for the students. Each student is given with individual computer as their workstations. Standard international textbooks and well-prepared exercises are used in the course.