About us:The company of young dynamic and experienced geeks. Roovea is a vibrant network foremerging technology to acquire world.We create highly polished mobile(iPhone & Android) MVP applications forstartups and enterprise clients. We also know about website branding and useracquisition. We also working on the IOT and doing R&D AI.What do we do:We are an web & mobile app development agency focused on challenging theboundaries of user-centered design by creating bespoke mobility solutionsMission & Vision:We have a dedicated developers, they are responsible to strive the optimumsuccess with the transformation of rustic ideas into reality. In order to makesurvival into the toughest competition. We deliver end-to-end solution with ourresearch, Design and Development , drive the imagination and vision intoreality by grasping the approach and formulating a development plan forfurther execution of development mock-ups, and prototype for web platform Website: http://roovea.com