Better known as the Bullion King of India, Prithviraj Kothari is a prominent and a well-known figure in the bullion industry in the country. With an experience of 27 years in the market, Prithviraj has been instrumental in shaping the intricate working of the gold market in India. His dedicated efforts and the Indian government's constant support ensured transparency and order in the gold market in the country.Prithviraj Kothari is credited with the introduction of ‘Instant International price based INR denominated bullion trading in India' and introducing gold ETFs.He is the Managing Director at RiddiSiddhi Bullions Limited, National President at India Bullion Jewellers Association, member of the advisory board of Multi-commodity exchange of India (MCX) and founding member of Jain International Trade Organisation (JITO) and Chairman of Mumbai zone and an ex chairman of JATF A philanthropist and a champion of many social causes in the country, Prithviraj Kothari believes in the education of the female child and works tirelessly as the trustee of Mohankheda tirth( MP)He has been termed an influencer in the gold industry and has been recipient of multiple awards notable being the Bharat Jain Ratna Award.