DIYguru is India's most prominent and leading Future Mobility upskilling platform for learners benefiting more than 50,000 enthusiasts across 400+ institutions through our online courses and hands-on training to acquire industry-relevant skills, accredited by AICTE, ASDC, Digital India Foundation with more than 128+ companies using the portal to upskill their students & employees which includes Bosch, Hyundai & Maruti Suzuki India, IIT Delhi, IIIT Hyderabad, IIMB to name a few. We are partners of Atal Innovation Mission, NITI Aayog & ASDC (Automotive Skills Development Council, Govt. of India) in Electric Mobility Vision 2030. Our Electric Vehicle Nanodegree Program has been approved by National Educational Alliance for Technology, NEAT - AICTE with global certification to make students from Engineering Colleges job- ready. To fulfill our organizational objective of upskilling candidates based on emerging technologies, we also deliver intensive, hands-on workshops to students and professionals across diverse sectors. Our workshops are conducted by industry experts who also help us develop and maintain the training curricula.