8Se7en LLC is a privately-owned Company based in Dubai specializing in four main areas; defence logistics, humanitarian aid and disaster relief, procurement outsourcing services to the private sector, and various services to the Oil & Gas Sector.8Se7en LLC offers a wide spectrum of services and solutions including but not limited to; port operations, base operations support, humanitarian and disaster relief services, integrated logistics, reconstruction, rapid mobilization, exercise support and supply of FF&V, dry, freeze and chill items tailored to the specific needs of military forces, defence agencies, and NGOs. 8Se7en LLC draws on its management's strong track record and expertise in defence logistics and providing port services for naval vessels in over 70 ports across the Middle East, Indian Ocean Islands and Africa (Africa Partnership Station), in planning and executing complex logistics requirements under the most extreme of conditions and in countries transitioning through war and disasters.8Se7en LLC's procurement outsourcing solutions business provides services tailored to its clients' requirements operating in the oil and gas, consumer goods, industrial, maritime, hospitality, healthcare, education, defence and government sectors with its wide network of suppliers, integrated solutions and wide ranging options that are focused on cost reduction or optimization, greater procurement visibility and operational efficiency enhancement. info@8Se7en.com