The Two campuses of Kurume University The Asahi-machi Campus is older and is situated on the south bank of the Chikugo River. This campus houses the Graduate School of Medicine, School of Medicine, University Hospital, School of Medical Technology, Research Center for Innovative Cancer Therapy, Cardiovascular Research Institute, Cognitive and Molecular Research Institute of Brain Diseases, Biostatistics Center, Education Center for the Certified Nurse, Clinical Test Center and Institute of Cutaneous Cell Biology. The Mii Campus is located in Mii-machi in the eastern part of Kurume City, and houses the Faculties of Literature, Law, Economics and Commerce, Graduate School of Comparative Studies of International Cultures and Societies, Graduate School of Psychology, Graduate and Professional School of Law, Graduate School of Business Administration, Education Center for Computing and Networking, Institute of Comparative Studies of International Cultures and Societies, Institute of Health and Sports Science, Institute of Foreign Language Education, Institute of Business Research and the International Center.