GISR Foundation is a non-government, not-for-profit organization registered under the Central Government's Ministry of Corporate Affairs, playing a proactive role in India's development process by providing education to underprivileged Girl Children. We believe a helping hand lent to take them towards education shall ascend them in all aspects of life. GISR is dedicated to mentor and teach children from underdeveloped areas across the country. We have provided many children the resources they need for completing their primary education thus supporting their entire journey from hardship to livelihood. GISR pays particular attention to growing and supporting educational opportunities for the crucial yet unacknowledged and disadvantaged female population. GISR reckons to contribute in betterment of girls' lives "By not giving a girl child just food but by giving her an opportunity to learn so that she can provide food to many more." We can educate girls and change the course of their lives, their children's lives and the future of their communities.The path to a better future comes with other hurdles except for education as well, such as health and sanitation facilities. We aim for a world where no one should ever fight for these basic needs. We are working and will always work hard in achieving the aim of getting each girl out there educated and will grow together with every hand that we help and every hand that comes forward to help.