Co-Founder/Website Developer/Social Media Director/Instructor
To be able to complete a puzzle, you must be able to assess the situation using analytical thinking skills. This allows you to perform tasks more efficiently and ultimately increase productivity. Speedcubing helps anyone develop crucial problem solving skills. It teaches the crucial skill of finding a solution through logical reasoning using fun, interactive colors, and pieces.During each workshop, children learn how to solve a 3x3 cube from start to finish without removing the stickers. The 3x3 speedcube is a complex puzzle with endless ways to solve each scramble. Learning how to solve the cube helps your child learn how to problem solve. It provides students with the ability to formulate a solution to a problem very quickly. Speed cubing can help students develop key abilities in the future. The skills we teach in our workshop directly enable the participants to problem-solve efficiently and actively. The Blue Cube team is committed to providing for and expanding on your child's STEM interests. All proceeds go to providing entrepreneurship/STEM-related opportunities and toys/games for local schools. We wish to give back to the community by spreading our love for cubing. We are sponsored by and have partnered with our local YMCA to host weekly workshops.