AL Wassila Founder at Al Wassila Leukemia & Lymphoma Foundation - Cairo, Cairo Governorate, Egypt
The beginning . . .The beginning starts with the dream of a survivor, the family member of a patient, a group of people out of the millions that are affected by cancer, in one way or another, on a daily basis. Bearing witness to the one-the-ground experiences, to these long tedious journeys, this group vowed to provide others with more that what is being offered at the moment, to provide them with what they need. In terms of support, emotional guidance and positive empowerment for those battling cancer, thus was founded; Al Wassila. When we hear the word cancer, the first thing that pops to mind is Death! That association is unjust and needs to change.Cancer patients are survivors, strong, determined super-humans,that face a constant war against this disease. In the right environment, they should be surrounded by powerful positive reinforcement that will empower and fortify them in their battles, keeping them motivated and resilient.In Egypt however, the right understanding and way to deal with cancer remains unclearto most and so instead we see a lot of negativity and detrimental behavior to its patients and survivors, stripping them of the emotional support they need and will actually benefit from. That is what Al Wassila is dedicated to transform.