Wolverine Assemblies is part of TAG Holdings group of companies. A minority owned business enterprise established in 2001 by Joseph B. Anderson, Jr. Majority owner, Chairman and CEO. www.taghold.comWolverine helps companies who are seeking assistance for a variety of needs, including: VALUE ADDED SERVICES:Some examples include repack, containment, pre delivery inspection, kitting, directed buy assembly, project management and sequencing. SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT / TRADE EXCHANGE Import/export, and all that is involved with managing international trade. WAREHOUSING : Third Party of Vendor Managed. Inventory control with EDI and AIAG compliant labeling. Wolverine currently has nearly 200,000 square feet dedicated to lightassembly and/or warehousing. Our facility is prepared to meet the challenging bestpractices of the automotive environment. Currently we are set up withinfrastructure to meet OEM and tier automotive requirements, such asthe necessity for using Covisint, EDI, & other requirements such as MMOG,currently mandated by many automotive and industrial OEM's. Please let us know if there is any need at your side for thesetypes of operations.