Palolea produces potent all natural food supplements. What makes it unique, is its ability to manufacture its own active ingredients, from what nature has to offer in Palestine - according to pharmaceutical standards. Our products are not simply herbal extracts, but active ingredients that are standardised in quantity, and guaranteed stability ,potency, and bio availability. We only manufacture active ingredients and products that have health benefits backed by clinical studies that are published in the most prestigious international journals. Palolea is the first factory in the region- not just Palestine -that manufactures its own active ingredients rather than importing them. It is the first factory that was established at the Jericho Agro Industrial Park, and the first factory in the Middle East to manufacture olive leaf extract, the first in the world to manufacture it so well! A true trail blazer in every sense! Our first product, Paloleaf: Premium Olive Leaf Extract has shown phenomenal results! The factory uses cutting edge technology and state of the art manufacturing and R&D equipment all on its site in Jericho. It is GMP certified, and has been accredited with the ISO 9001 standard. Paloleaf boosts the body's immune system, it regulates sugar levels and blood pressure and lowers cholesterol levels. It is a natural anti biotic, anti fungal, and anti viral. While all these benefits are recorded in scientific literature, it is simply astonishing seeing Paloleaf do its magic! Each tablet contain 54mg of Oleuropein – more than what you would get from half a litre of freshly pressed extra virgin olive oil. Paloleaf is registered by the Palestinian Ministry of Health, the Jordanian FDA, the Dubai Municipality, and the Kuwaiti Ministry of Health.