HOPEthiopia is committed to the restoration of both the people and the land of Ethiopia. HOPEthiopia is committed to serving and integrating with the local surrounding communities. This model would operate such that neighbouring communities would benefit from the services provided by HOPEthiopia (food supply, healthcare, spiritual encouragement, etc.), and in return, surrounding communities could provide the workers, farmers, and skilled labourers necessary for various HOPEthiopia project components. Through the intimate connection of these communities, a sense of responsibility, protection, and security would develop. Also, a naturally-developing community would be vital for the necessary cultural integration of the orphaned children, particularly as they near their return to the general population of Ethiopia in their adult years.OUR MISSIONThe mission of HOPEthiopia is twofold: firstly, to raise Ethiopian children into citizens with exceptional moral standards and strength of character; and secondly, to restore the values of purpose and dignity to the lives of Ethiopia's homeless pastors.OUR VISION• Sustainable (farmable land, fresh/clean water, renewable energy) • Community (faith-based, genuine care, interactive village design) • Engage outside groups (diversification, plan for construction of homes) • ‘C-A-R-E': Care, Agriculture, Recreation, Education