Senior Consulting Psychologist and Head of People Dvelopment
If you ask most IFAs "Who are Harrison Spence" they will tell you we deal with Mergers & Acquisitions. Well that's true we do, in fact in 2016 Acquisition International awarded us "Best Retail M&A practice Uk" for our work in this field. We have an 85% success rate when appointed.However, there is far more to Harrison Spence than just M&A. At the heart of our business is Consultancy and through an approach of offering a different Industry perspective and candid advice, we have been supporting IFA's and a range of businesses in the retail financial services sector to navigate their way through ever increasing regulation and structural change. We provide insight and valued commentary about the changes taking place in the sector, while supporting business owners to flourish and maximise value from their businesses. "Our aim is to support business owners and leadership teams to create sustainable high performing businesses that give them the option of realising a life transforming capital event on exit." What makes us different? Every one of our partners have built, led, then sold their own business and have real "Coal face" experience of the challenges that meet business owners on a daily business. We have a wide range of skills and industry contacts that can help your business develop and grow.We actively deal with:• Financial advisory firms• Consolidators• Networks• IFA sole traders• Platforms• Banks• Building societies• Fund management groups• Insurance companies• Accountants• Solicitors• Family officesWe have helped companies of all shapes and sizes from small financial advisors to international banks and fund managers. To discover how we can help your business, please contact us