West Texas Industrial Engines Inc. is a high quality rebuilder of industrial engines as well as heavy equipment service & repairs. We offer many high quality alternatives to OEM parts with significant cost savings to the customer. We have a fully trained field service staff as well as fully equipped service trucks to handle any field service job. We have a highly trained machine shop staff that can handle most machine work for any type of engine. We also offer no flat tire filling so that you never have to repair flats again.Founded in 1996 by Alan McClain we are a leader in the natural gas, diesel and landfill gas fields all over the United States. Located in San Angelo Texas we are well positioned to service all of the new gas and oil fields that have been discovered in West Texas. With our master distrbutorship with IPD, as well as other vendors, we are able to offer high quality non-OEM parts. These parts come with an outstanding warranty and performance history while offering a dramatic savings over OEM parts. We have a highly trained staff to provide quality shop, field and machine shop services.