RECOVERY CAMPUS delivers informative and relevant editorial information to young adults who are making important decisions regarding their addiction and recovery. Our mission is to raise awareness of Collegiate Recovery Communities (CRCs) on campuses across the country. Students have numerous options to continue their recovery and complete their education in a safe and supportive environment.Each issue of Recovery Campus offers CRC profiles, student and parent testimonials, and stories of hope about young adults who have experienced dramatic life changes as a result of their participation in a CRC. Regular columns also include treatment center profiles, and articles about arts and culture and spiritual paths. Recovery Campus is distributed at more than a hundred college campuses, as well as treatment centers, sober living facilities, to educational and therapeutic consultants, interventionists, addiction counselors, parent/student organizations, and at numerous conferences and events nationwide.Recovery Campus is proud to work collaboratively with the Association of Recovery in Higher Education (ARHE), the only association exclusively representing CRCs and Collegiate Recovery Programs (CRPs), the faculty and staff who support them and the students who represent them. The staff at Recovery Campus would really like to hear from you.