溯因科技(Logos Solutions)是一家致力于推进工业互联网和消费互联网有效连接的人工智能初创企业。Logos Solutions的使命是利用AI技术和现代管理工具,帮助制造业企业、贸易商、品牌商更快、更有效地理解它们的客户,并通过加强营销和研发,增强我们的客户在产业链条上的功能和地位。立基于中国数量众多的制造业企业和全球庞大的消费市场,我们坚信Logos Solutions使命光荣、前景远大。Logos Solutions is an artificial intelligence start-up company specialized in enhancing effective connection between the Industrial Internet and the Consumer Internet. The mission of Logos Solutions is to adopt AI technology and modern management tools to assist manufacturers, traders, and brand owners in having a faster, better customers understanding, and enhance their positions so as to play their roles on industrial chain by strengthening marketing and R&D. Based on the large number of manufacturing companies in China and the huge global consumer market, Logos Solutions is destined to have a glorious mission and a bright future.公司致力于应用大数据与人工智能技术将目前产业中的"相关性"问题进一步提升到到"因果性"的层面,更深层次得理解消费者与商品之间得差异。Logos Solutions have always been committed to the application of Big data processing and artificial intelligence technology to further enhance the commonly existed "correlation" issue in the industry to the " causation " level so as to have a deeper understanding of the difference between consumer demand and product performance.公司在"让产品更加精彩,让链接更加有价值"的同时,致力于消除客户需求和产品性能之间的鸿沟,同研发、生产与供应商紧密合作,形成协同创新链,从而完善产品的开发和优化。While "Making more wonderful products and more valuable links ", Logos Solutions strives toeliminate the gap between customer needs and product performance, work closely with R & D, production and suppliers to form a collaborative innovation chain to have a perfect product development and optimization.