Following the old adage – "If all you have is a hammer everything looks like a nail", we wanted to build a team and a comprehensive toolbox of services that allows for truly bespoke solutions. Much of the discussion around Human Factors in healthcare currently seems to revolve around definitions – what is/isn't Human Factors? We believe it is important to balance agreement of definitions with not losing sight of what works - what truly improves performance.We work closely with a number of front line healthcare professionals to truly understand the challenges of delivering high performance under extremely challenging conditions, as we believe it is important to develop solutions that are designed for healthcare. That doesn't mean throwing away learning from elsewhere; it means looking beyond direct comparisons with healthcare and other single industries, looking much wider at best practice across a multitude of industries and environments. We have built a team with a real breadth of experience that is unique among providers of Human Factors Training & Development.One of our greatest assets as a society is the amazing people working in our NHS, and private providers. Unfortunately they are often set up to fail. Our vision is one where our healthcare system enables the front line professionals within it to be able to fully realise their talent and potential, and MedLed's mission is to provide solutions at every level where barriers exist to achieving that vision.