Our mission is to make your life less stressful, more lucrative and more fun! I have created a team of talented professionals that most contributed to my success. We offer expertise in Business Strategic Development, Human Resource Management, Sales and Marketing and Advertising as well as relationships with Bankers, Lawyers and Equity Capital firms. If your company is one of the many privately held companies that desires outside talent to transition the company to the next generation or to get to that elusive "next level," you would like to evaluate the options of selling the business, obtaining additional capital – or just "take some chips off the table," or want to execute a plan to increase your EBITDA to maximize the value of your company, I believe we can help. How could we contribute to your success?1. Be your confidant! By definition, this is " A person with whom one shares a secret or private matter, trusting them not to repeat it to others."2. Bring together the most valuable tools I used3. Sales and Marketing Development4. Have you done effective exit planning5. What does your outside team of advisors look like to optimize the development of your business?