Caredove is referral management software that helps community health agencies effectively reach new clients and onboard them, efficiently. Agencies can establish trusted local care networks to respond to community health challenges. We specialize in: - Senior services, like home care and community support - Mental health and addictions services, like counselling and treatment - Children's services, like preschool speech and hearing screening - Disease prevention services, like health education classes. - Social prescribing, like connecting isolated seniors to local activity groups. We configure the Caredove platform to optimize network access with interoperable modules that include: - Searching for service - Booking appointments - Secure forms - Workflow management - Website/ CMS Caredove has worked with insurers, grant giving agencies, employers, hospitals and health systems to create trusted local networks of care. Caredove has an industry leading Net Promoter Score over 70. We partner with leading technology providers like AWS and Cloudticity.