GAMA S.r.l. is a reliable manufacturer of complete machines and part of plants in mining, chemical, steel, cement and environmental sectors.Some of the most important companies entrusted us with design and manufacturing of their machines: we especially achieved a considerable experience on biodrums, ball and rod mills, filters with different design (drum, pan, belt and disc filters), and water treatment equipments.Planning and design of plants and machines with all their relevant accessories and installations (electronic, hydraulic and pneumatic) can be achieved with the skills of our engineers and technicians.The assets of our 23.000 m2 shop (built-up 6.000 m2) allow the manufacturing of machines with diameter up to 5 m and length to 50 m, with a lifting capacity of 70 t, and all the production cycle can be handled inside our premises: steel works executed by qualified welders, machining, assembly, sand blasting, painting, quality control and testing, storage of huge components, packing and shipping. The internal Quality Control and Testing department integrates the process, providing the required inspections to every job.