DeustoTech-Life Research Group (eVida), a research group within the University of Deusto Engineering Faculty, is an experienced, dynamic and diverse team of telecommunications, electronics and software engineers, physicists, mathematicians and psychologists. Founded in 2002, the group is committed to research on and development of ICT-based tools, systems and interventions for psychological, social and physical health. Over the last decade, DeustoTech-Life have established close working relationships with key local stakeholders including hospitals, charities, other research groups and ICT companies.DeustoTech-Life conduct applied research in two main areas. In the field of ICTs for Well-Being, DeustoTech-Life research, design, develop and test tools and systems which enable disabled people and the elderly to live more independent lives. DeustoTech-Life is currently involved in creating apps and devices for informal learning and informal learning follow-up services, programmes for person-centred care, and various tele-medicine and tele-monitoring systems. Work in this area has included applied research aimed at assisting groups such as people with intellectual disabilities, people with autism, people with visual impairments, people with hearing impairments, and people with multiple sclerosis. In the field of health, DeustoTech-Life specialize in creating diagnostic tools and systems and interventions for people with health problems such as skin and lung cancer, laryngectomy, epilepsy, migraines, dyslexia and bed sores. This work is based on long term research in the processing of: speech, ECG, EMG and EEG signals, and MRI (colon and lung cancer, articulatory description...), neuro fMRI, dermoscopy, pressure ulcers and stroboscopy images.