Most individuals and companies do not have the resources to have financial analysis, portfolio optimization or risk analysis tools in house; so they have to live with the swings on their finances (savings, investments, costs, revenues, etc.) expecting that in the end ¨things won't be that bad¨. In DW-A, we strongly believe that individuals and managers should have accessible tools and information to understand and monitor their investments and risk; so, they can take sound decisions not only on calm times but also on the most volatile and dangerous moments.Our core business is to bring the most advanced techniques in financial planning, investment optimization, cash management and risk management normally used at financial institutions for individuals with financial advisory needs and for companies with exposure to commodities, exchange rates and interest rates. DW-A is not a one-time consulting shop. DW-A offers a comprehensive and continuous solution to your goals and risk exposure; analyzing, reporting, monitoring and advising on changes in the different components of your financial situation.