Hana Gemintang is a Non Formal Educational Development institution that operates under the auspices of the Independent Indonesia Innovative Foundation with the deed number AHU-0006330.AH.01.12.Year 2017. This institution focuses on the field of people development, and was established since 2017. Currently, Hana Gemintang focuses on several aspects, namely:1. Manner before Knowledge (for pre-school children 3 - 7 years)2. Self Empowerment3. Entrepreneur4. Personal Assistance AcademyOur commitment is to continue to carry out positive activities against the background of social, educational, economic, political, technical, etc. that occur in the surrounding environment. One of the phenomena that we are currently discovering in the world of higher education is that there are still fresh graduates who have not yet understood the technical acceptance of employment starting from the making of CVs, psychological tests, and interviews. Therefore, we took the initiative to establish cooperation with higher education institutions to offer training programs in the form of work training workshops.