In 2017, The Farooqi Bros launched ComicBook Debate. The core brand message was simple; well-written, well-argued, and personal pieces of writing on everything from the pop-culture world. On equal standing was providing an outlet for those who normally don't get a shot in the entertainment coverage industry. Over the last five years, we published over 600 unique articles from one of the most diverse teams in the industry.Our YouTube page now stands at over 400,000 subscribers and 250,000,000 views worldwide. This is thanks to our key franchises, The Farooqi Bros Podcast and Then&Now. In 2020, we introduced a live-stream franchise, The #BuiltDifferent Stream, which features The Farooqi brothers on camera in a weekly news roundup and discussion.The thing we are most proud of, however, is our charity work. In 2018, we took part in the Black Panther Challenge, raising over $5000 and taking 400 middle school kids in an underserved New York City school to see Black Panther. In 2019, we hosted a Hospital Toy donation and superhero workshop. In 2020, we ran a campaign with InkToThePeople for children in war-torn areas of Yemen. In 2021, we ran our Emergency Water Aid Initiative. Raising $4,600, we opened seven wells in refugee areas in Pakistan, providing clean water to multiple villages. This core part of our brand will not change. Charity is at the heart of the Farooqi Bros and Cinema Debate.With Cinema Debate, The Farooqi Bros will continue to build on everything that made ComicBook Debate great, while maturing the brand and opening a host of new opportunities. With our ties to the Critics Choice Association and Rotten Tomatoes, we believe a shift from mostly covering pop-culture to a wider palette of films and genres.The Farooqi brothers will continue to lead Cinema Debate on both the outlet, YouTube, and the charity side. Our diverse team will continue to create new and engaging content on the network of brands. We are excited for the bright future ahead.