Alec's passions range from Leading to Writing and a flavor of everything in between. Right now he is working on his third startup, Intern Betas - the idea originated to take Internship experiences to a leading caliber by operating at startups. The idea has developed into an ecosystem for Founders to build the best team to actualize their ideas, and young entrepreneurs to put their abilities to the test - all comes together to create synergy. Witnessing the caliber of leadership that it takes to launch a startup, Alec relates, "If you are in the pursuit of being a Founder of a Startup, Leadership is essential."Striving to stay ahead of the world with two legs that work - Alec has a story to tell; a story that reflects when he could feel the sand between his toes and bounce off a trampoline! He has bridged his barriers as a tool to understand everyone has their ‘pain'. He knows the power of bringing out the best in people and that is what is so contagious to others when he speaks.Between his 27 surgical operations, Alec learned to keep a sound mind by writing, but has taken it a step further and shares it through Blogging and Speaking. Sharing eases the struggle; allows him to put everything into perspective. Alec is constantly in action to develop himself from the inside out. He has the personality and character of someone who sees the world with a diverse mindset.