Marriage And Family Therapist at Experience Change, LLC - , Colorado, United States
Experience Change is a new company, built in 2016 to help connect people like you to top notch mental health providers who use cutting-edge science to inform their practice, leaving you with lasting results.Our therapists' authenticity and transparency allows you to truly explore challenges in your life without having to fear what the therapist may be thinking or feeling. Experiencing a secure attachment with the therapist creates new neural circuitry, pathways, and networks that allow you to relate, moment by moment in new, healthier, more resilient ways.We now know that the brain changes with every new experience we have. Neuroplasticity is the brain's amazing capacity to change and adapt. From the time the brain begins to develop in utero until the day we die, new EXPERIENCES change the brain's physical structure and functional organization. Experiential therapies provide opportunities for corrective experiences where you experience yourself or others in new ways.