Alejandro Baisson

Roaming Manager at NOVA Iceland - Reykjavik, , Iceland

Alejandro Baisson's Contact Details
NOVA Iceland
Alejandro Baisson's Company Details
NOVA Iceland logo, NOVA Iceland contact details

NOVA Iceland

Reykjavik, , Iceland • 51 - 200 Employees

Nova hf. var stofnað í maí 2006. Í lok mars 2007 fékk Nova úthlutað 3G rekstrarleyfi og opnaði svo formlega 1. desember 2007. Þann 4. apríl 2013 hóf Nova 4G/LTE þjónustu, fyrst íslenskra símafyrirtækja og þann 10. október 2017 setti félagið fyrstu 4.5G sendana í loftið. Nova á og rekur eigið 4G/4.5G farsíma- og netkerfi á landsvísu. Í febrúar 2019 hóf Nova prófanir á fyrsta 5G sendinum á Íslandi og 5.5.2020 fór Nova í loftið með 5G farsíma- og netþjónustu, fyrst allra farsímafyrirtækja á Íslandi. Nova hefur átt ánægðustu viðskiptavinina í farsímaþjónustu skv. Íslensku ánægjuvoginni sl. 12 ár. Árið 2016 bætti Nova ljósleiðaraþjónustu í vöruframboð sitt sem byggir á ljósleiðarakerfi Gagnaveitunnar. Ljósleiðari hjá Nova styður 1000 Mb/s hraða, sem er mesti hraði í heimatengingum á Íslandi.English: Nova is a life-style oriented brand built around the first independent 3G mobile operator in Iceland. Nova has enjoyed an unparalleled success in the Icelandic telco market by capturing 34,5% of the mobile market share and in doing so established itself as a leading brand and the market challenger. The key to this success is the quality of the customer service Nova offers. Nova has been awarded the highest customers satisfaction score twelve years in a row. Nova was the first telecommunication company to launch 4G/LTE internet service in Iceland in 2014 and now has a widespread 4G and 4.5G/LTE network around Iceland. Nova has 147 talented employees with various backgrounds and experiences. In 2016 Nova added fiber service to its selection of products, using a fiber system provided by Gagnaveitan. Nova fiber supports 1000 MB/s, making it the fastest home connection currently available in Iceland. Nova was the first telecommunication company to test the first 5G transmitter in Iceland and on 5 May 2020, Nova went live with 5G mobile phone and internet services, the first of all mobile phone companies in Iceland.

Details about NOVA Iceland
Frequently Asked Questions about Alejandro Baisson
Alejandro Baisson currently works for NOVA Iceland.
Alejandro Baisson's role at NOVA Iceland is Roaming Manager.
Alejandro Baisson's email address is *** To view Alejandro Baisson's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Alejandro Baisson works in the Telecommunications industry.
Alejandro Baisson's colleagues at NOVA Iceland are Stefan Bjarni, Gudrun Finns, Johann Masson, Thorhallur Johannsson, Thuridur Gudnadottir, Helgi Fridriksson, Jakob Isleifsson and others.
Alejandro Baisson's phone number is ["7818940800","9372531680","18007500750","8596221047","8596221074","3545191000","04035771103"]
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