Holdtrade Atlantico, a joint venture between Holdtrade (UK) Ltd. of London and Iowa Pacific Holdings, LLC of Chicago, plans to provide rail freight services in Colombia in association with local partners. Capitalizing on the combined expertise of both Holdtrade and Iowa Pacific, Holdtrade Atlantico will provide rail transportation services over rail routes that ANI, the Colombian infrastructure agency, is planning to return to service. Such rail services will reduce transportation costs for Colombian producers, thus improving the competitive position of Colombian products on world markets. Cost efficient freight rail service also has the potential reduce transportation costs for imported products, thus benefitting Colombian consumers. Rail transportation provides the additional advantages of being environmentally friendly and reducing highway truck traffic.Holdtrade is the UK's largest supplier of track and related materials for industrial railways. In addition, Holdtrade is the exclusive representative in Latin America of Transnet Engineering, which is the world's largest manufacturer and operator of narrow gauge locomotives and freight wagons, such as will be utilized in Colombia.Iowa Pacific operates nine railways serving eight states in the U. S. Two of its railways won the prestigious 2013 Marketing Award of the American Short Line and Regional Railroad Association. Through an affiliated company, Iowa Pacific operates three railways in the United Kingdom, along with railway-related services such as locomotive leasing, track maintenance and track construction.