Aleksandar Mastilovic

IEEE Industry Engagement Committee, Member / PSPB Liaison at IEEE Industry Engagement - Piscataway Township, New Jersey, United States

Aleksandar Mastilovic's Colleagues at IEEE Industry Engagement
Aleksandar Mastilovic's Contact Details
Sarajevo,Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina,71000,Bosnia and Herzegovina
IEEE Industry Engagement
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IEEE Industry Engagement logo, IEEE Industry Engagement contact details

IEEE Industry Engagement

Piscataway Township, New Jersey, United States • 1 Employees
Information Services

IEEE began as an organization founded and led by some of the leading industrial figures of the time. Over the years, we have become an indispensable partner to engineering professionals in academia and in the research and development community, but we have lagged in our relevance to industry professionals. For IEEE to stay true to its promises, possibilities, and achievements, we must return to our roots. It is imperative that IEEE reconnect with those driving the advancement of technology in industry and entice these valued professionals back into our community. IEEE is at its best when we bring together the totality of our offerings with the rich diversity of our global community of professionals from academia, government, and industry to solve the problems facing humanity. These past few years have seen great strides in IEEE's efforts to engage with industry, coupled with an urgency to provide technical professionals the tools and information they need to excel. In 2018, the IEEE approved the Industry Engagement Committee which facilitates industry engagement activities across IEEE, identifies and acts on opportunities, gaps and overlaps across IEEE, launches initiatives and recommends to the IEEE Board needed development of products and services that meet the needs of industry, government and industry professionals. We want engage our members, industry and governments. So if you have something you need advice on, want to share news or best practices please reach out to us.

Details about IEEE Industry Engagement
Frequently Asked Questions about Aleksandar Mastilovic
Aleksandar Mastilovic currently works for IEEE Industry Engagement.
Aleksandar Mastilovic's role at IEEE Industry Engagement is IEEE Industry Engagement Committee, Member / PSPB Liaison.
Aleksandar Mastilovic's email address is ***@. To view Aleksandar Mastilovic's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Aleksandar Mastilovic works in the Information Services industry.
Aleksandar Mastilovic's colleagues at IEEE Industry Engagement are Industry Section and others.
Aleksandar Mastilovic's phone number is
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