Aleksandar Siljanovski

magacioner at Metro Medikal - Skopje, Skopje, Macedonia (FYROM)

Aleksandar Siljanovski's Contact Details
Skopje,Greater Skopje,1106,North Macedonia
Metro Medikal
Aleksandar Siljanovski's Company Details
Metro Medikal logo, Metro Medikal contact details

Metro Medikal

Skopje, Skopje, Macedonia (FYROM) • 4 Employees
Medical Devices

Метромедикал е компанија основана во 2015 година , лоцирана во Скопје. Метромедикал се занимава со набавка и продажба на медицински потрошен материјал. Ви нудиме голем избор на високо квалитетен медицински материјали,како маски, ракавици, шприцеви,завои итн. Нашиот тим постојано следи и ја зголемува палетата на производи со цел да ги задоволи потребите на пазарот.Metromedikal is founded in 2015 and established in Skopje. Metromedical distributes and sells medical disposable products such as medical gloves, masks, bandages,syringes etc. Our Research and Development Department ensures continuous monitoring of our products,expanding the range of items, in order to anticipate the needs of the market.

Details about Metro Medikal
Frequently Asked Questions about Aleksandar Siljanovski
Aleksandar Siljanovski currently works for Metro Medikal.
Aleksandar Siljanovski's role at Metro Medikal is magacioner.
Aleksandar Siljanovski's email address is ***@. To view Aleksandar Siljanovski's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Aleksandar Siljanovski works in the Medical Devices industry.
Aleksandar Siljanovski's colleagues at Metro Medikal are Metro Medikal, Andjela Samardjievska, Metro Macedonia and others.
Aleksandar Siljanovski's phone number is
See more information about Aleksandar Siljanovski