Navmii takes the hassle out of finding places, leaving you free to just drive!At the foundation of Navmii is OpenStreetMap (OSM) and we are proud users of and contributors to OpenStreetMap, supporting open access to maps and map data. It is our mission to encourage the take up of OSM and to enhance it with our eOSM navigation, mapping and location based services. Steve Coast, founder of OSM is a strategic advisor to Navmii to drive this mission.Navmii is designed to make driving better by helping you find the best route, get directions, avoid traffic, find convenient parking or even other places of interest. It even lets you know how well you drive by providing you with a personalised dashboard with your driving score and trip metrics.Navmii puts live traffic, easy to follow maps, points of interest and other fab features like real-time hazard reporting, digital speedometer, localised search and safety camera/ speed limit alerts all at your finger tips. And if you're abroad or in a place with no connectivity, don't worry, it's GPS driven and works offline.Navmii has offices in San Francisco, London and St Petersburg.